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Games Kids Can Play Blog
Welcome to the Games Kids Can Play Blog. This mini-journal will let you know whenever any new Web pages appear on Best Kids Games Online. It also keeps you up-to-date with other postings or news about Games Kids Can Play, and lets you know when I send out the Best-Kids-Games-Online e-zine (in case you don't like to give your e-mail address, or if your ISP tends to over-filter causing you to miss an issue). To subscribe to my Games Kids Can Play blog (no e-mail necessary), right-click on the orange RSS button (see bottom buttons to the left) and then paste the URL into your RSS reader. Or click on the My Yahoo! button or My MSN or Add To Google button if you keep a personalized home page there. HALLOWEEN CAMPOUT SCAVENGER HUNTWe have a group of 25-40 people that get together for our annual Halloween Campout in Marseilles, Illinois. This year, we're having a scavenger hunt. Outdoor Games For ChildrenThe Best Outdoor Games For Children, Kids and Outdoor Activity Are A Must. Finding Sea Creatures!We always bring a few big buckets and dig clams out of the sand... after that, we put a layer of water on top and grab seaweed out of the water and shake "Flags"With 3 or more people you can play this game. Get every one to lay on there stomach's with their hands by their side. If you have ten people that are playing Bumble Bee Bumble Bee, I see something you do not see and the color is...My daughter's and I can play this game for hours. One person looks around the room and chooses a color of an object. Then the others playing try to guess Continue reading "Bumble Bee Bumble Bee, I see something you do not see and the color is..." Cops And RobersThis game you will need a 2 equal group. How this game works is that 1group will be the cops and the 2group will be the robers. The cops will give a Malteaser MayhemYou'll need : malteasers, flour, plate, old clothes What you need to do is put your flour on the plate to form a tower and bury the malteasers put your Sleeping GiantBreak children into 4 teams. Each child on each team then numbers themselves off - 1,2,3,4,5 etc. Each team will now have a number 1, a number 2, etc. A Yummy Smores Recipe You're Sure to Love!You're sure to find a smores recipe you'll love here! Smores are a MUST for any camping outing, BUT- there are more ways than one to make a smore treat! Continue reading "A Yummy Smores Recipe You're Sure to Love!"
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